Page 19 - Sequence 2020-22
P. 19
Further, what makes humanized teaching so special, is the fact that teaching happens outside the
classrooms as well. It happens in various forms, such as visual learning, learning by listening, by
doing practical things, life experiences, etc. Teachers are continuously learning new things and
experimenting with new methods in the classroom. No machine could ever duplicate the creativity
of a good teacher. Learning also differs from one student to another owing to their perceptions,
abilities and preferences.
Pondering on these insights lead me to the conclusion that the fear that artificial intelligence will
one day replace teachers is understandable but truly unfounded. What exactly is required is a
system, where teachers and AI can coexist so as to create personalized learning for each student.
While AI can take care of the monotonous parts of the job, we as teachers can focus on developing
learning content and mentoring students.
The pandemic truly has been a big push in the direction of developing such a system, where the
entire approach to learning, knowledge and education has been remarkably transformed!
~Ms. Jocelyn Victoria Fernandes,