Latest News Microbiology


The  Department of Microbiology, St. Xavier’s College Mapusa, in collaboration with the Urban Health Center Mapusa, conducted a Health Camp for the staff of the college, on the 13th of December 2023. This notable initiative emphasized its importance by providing a comprehensive range of essential healthcare services, addressing a varied demographic that included Teaching staff and the Non-Teaching staff of the college.

From the early hours of 09:30 am until 02:00 pm, the Health Camp unfolded a comprehensive spectrum of medical services, addressing multifaceted dimensions of health and well-being. Attendees had the opportunity to benefit from a variety of services, including Dental examinations, Ophthalmological assessments, Nutrition consultations, Breast Cancer screenings, Gynecological evaluations, General health check-ups, Blood Tests, PAP smears, Homeopathic consultations  and Ayurvedic consultations.

The success of the Health Camp owes much to the collaboration of adept and dedicated healthcare professionals. Their collective commitment not only ensured the efficiency of the services rendered but also underscored a shared dedication to fostering community well-being. The provision of complimentary services exemplified the department’s unwavering commitment to advancing health awareness and championing preventive healthcare measures within the St. Xavier’s College community.

Deliberate measures were in place to ensure the utmost confidentiality, treating each participant with the highest regard for individual privacy. The approach aimed to create a supportive and secure environment, recognizing the sensitivity of examinations and instilling a sense of trust among participants seeking services.

Beyond the immediate medical offerings, the Health Camp represented a proactive initiative in addressing a diverse array of health concerns. It sought not only to diagnose and treat but also to cultivate a culture of holistic well-being within the community. Participants were encouraged to take an active role in their health, fostering health-conscious practices that extend beyond the event itself. The palpable impact of the Health Camp was evident in the enthusiastic participation of Teaching and Non-Teaching staff, affirming a collective commitment to prioritizing health within the academic community.

The total number of beneficiaries were 79. The event was coordinated by Dr. Alisha D. Malik.