St Xavier’s College, Mapusa – Goa

Fr. Tony

Administrator’s Message

The challenges posed by the rapid development in the field of the Information Technology are varied. At the educational level, this calls for reinventing our ways of teaching, introducing value added courses so as to increase students’ chances of employment post their university studies…Continue reading


Ms. Ursula Barreto

At the very outset I’d like to express my deep appreciation to each one of you for choosing to be a part of the Xaverian family! The vision and mission...Continue reading

Our Vision

Formation for Transformation

Our Mission

To provide balanced all-round education, with the goal of forming young men and women who will be disciplined citizens and will display a high intellectual calibre as well as emotional balance and social commitment, and particularly, at helping Catholic youth to be committed followers of Christ.

St. Xavier’s College

About us

Established, in June 1963, by the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman, the College is the premier Higher Education Institution in the beautiful State of Goa. It is managed by the Diocesan Society of Education – an organization that owns and oversees over a hundred academic institutions – on behalf of the Archdiocese… Read more

Upcoming Events


Notifications and Announcements

About us

Established, in June 1963, by the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman, the College is the premier Higher Education Institution in the beautiful State of Goa. It is managed by the Diocesan Society of Education – an organization that owns and oversees over a hundred academic institutions – on behalf of the Archdiocese. Nestled atop a hillock in Mapusa, the verdant College campus comprises twenty-four acres of flora interspersed with five Blocks where the various teaching-learning activities… Read more