Activities 2024-25
General Reports
- Career Guidance Session: “Crossing Over”
- “ShutterBugs” Photography Competition
- “Exploring New Frontiers in Biosciences” International Seminar
- Invited talk by Dr. Prabhu D. Head Department of Microbiology University of Madras
- Career Guidance Session: “Fascinating World of Microbiology”
- Industrial Visit- Field Trip
- “International Microorganism Day”
National level online quiz competition - Value Addition Course- Production & Packaging of Bioenzyme for Community Utilization’
- Microgala by Dept of Microbiology
- Rangoli Competition 17th September 2024
- Hands-on Activity commemorating National Nutrition Week
- Skills for a successful career in Pharma
- Edge of Tomorrow Poster Competition
- Microbial masterpieces
- From Sequence to Structure: Crafting Nucleic Acid Models
- Session on Career Guidance for students of Class X
- Mind map competition
- Hands-on workshop and Faculty Training Session on
Outcome Based Education (OBE) - Analysis of Dairy Adulterants: Hands-on activity
- Analysis of nutritional content in foods – Hands-on Activity
- IPR Inter-Collegiate Reel-Making Competition on Geographical Indications (GIs) registered in Goa
- Study tour
- Value Added Course “Student Refresher Talk ”
- Certificate Course “ Documentation and Presentation using LaTeX”
- National Space Day
- Value Added Course “One Day Workshop on PCB Designing”
- Value Added Course “One Day Workshop on Soldering Techniques”
- Guest Lecture on “Patents – The future of sports through innovation and ideas”
Computer Science
- “Software Development as a career”
- ‘The laws of Football refereeing’
- “Navigating the Research Landscape”
- Demonstration : “Using Samsung Smart Board to transform your teaching”
- Guest Talk “Command Line Tools in Linux” on the occasion of Software Freedom Day
- Workshop : ‘Introduction to Angular.JS’
General Reports
- The Freedom Wall
- Research Coffee Series- VI: India’s Foreign Trade-An Overview
- Research Coffee Series-V, Skilling and Employment
- Research Coffee Series IV: “Indian Agriculture: Trends and Development (2020-2024)”
- Research Coffee Series-III, Malnutrition in India
- Research Coffee Series- II: Hyperinflation In Venuzuela- A Case Study
- Research Coffee Series- I: UNION BUDGET ANALYSIS: 2024-2025
- Donation Drive- Stationery
- Session on Oral Health
- Value Added Course titled Back to Basics: Enhancing English Language Skills for the Workplace.
- Campaign for a Clean and Green Campus
- National Book Lovers Day
- Understanding Research Ethics
- A Guest Lecture on Revisiting Freedom…
- Faculty Knowledge Sharing Program
- Literary Field Trip to Kaushik’s Book Kaffe
- A multilingual book reading session of ‘Varsal’ a short story
Political Science
- Field Trip to Goa University and Public Lecture on “Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in India”
- Poster Exhibition on Opinion Poll Day – ‘Goa’s Quest for Identity’
- Talk on “Human Rights in India: A Legal Perspective”
- Study Tour to INS Kadamba, Naval Base Karwar, Karnataka
- National Level Online Quiz on ’75 Years of Indian Constitution’ and Reading of Preamble of Indian Constitution (In College)
- Talk on E-waste and E-waste collection drive
- All Goa Inter-Collegiate Essay Writing Competition
- Poster Making Competition cum Exhibition
- Scope of mental health treatment in Goa
- Campaign called STRIDE
- Session on Career Guidance for students of Class X
- Field visit of FYBA – Child Psychology students to Sanjay Centre for Special Education
- Report of field visit to Central jail , Colvale
Interactive session on “Pedophilia in Goa: Antecedents and present status”
- Career in Banking
- Financial Literacy Seminar
- Wealth Management Program
- Career in Chartered Accountancy talk titled ‘Navigating Your Path: Building a Successful Career in Chartered Accountancy’
- Talk on Careers in Company Secretary
- First Year B.Com Orientation Programme
Mass Communication and Journalism
- State level Photography workshop
- STATE LEVEL AWARENESS GENERATION PROGRAMInternationals Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD)- 2024
- National Level Photography Competition (Exhibition & Prize Distribution)
Regenerative Tourism: Goa Beyond Beaches - Session on Regenerative Tourism: Goa Beyond Beaches
- MediaScope 9.0 Inter Higher Secondary School Competition
- Report of Photography Workshop on August 19
- Field visit to Goa Legislative Assembly
Post Graduate Department of Physical Chemistry
- Visit to a Nursery
- Transect Walk
- Field trip for the students of T.Y.B.Sc Biotechnology.
- Field trip to Sewage treatment plant, Tonca, Miramar
- Field trip for the students of S.Y.B.Sc and T.Y.B.Sc Biotechnology
- 1- day workshop on First Responder Training
- Session on the topic “Demystifying Nutrition for Sports and Fitness Enthusiasts – Protein and Dietary supplements.”
- Poster Competition on the theme “Snacking Done Right: Smart and Healthy Choices to Curb Cravings!”
- Cooking Competition- Super foods: Nutrient Power Houses
- Sapling Plantation Drive
- Session on the topic “Nutritious Diets and Decoding Food Labels”