Our distinctiveness

Our distinctiveness

The distinctiveness of the Institution can be best explained by its Coat of Arms which, apart from the Latin motto ‘In virtute et scientia’, has a lion, sailboats, a Cross, a book-stand, a shield and palm leaves. The lion represents courage that is sought to be instilled in students, the sailboats signify the spirit of adventure during their journey over the sea of life, the Cross and bookstand mark the pursuit of virtue and knowledge while the shield and palm leaves symbolize the victory of good over ignorance and evil. The Coat of Arms, adopted well before the crystallization of the Vision and Mission Statements, showcases the perennial striving at St. Xavier’s College to prepare its students for not just examinations, but for the journey of life. The Institution seeks to constantly impress upon students the importance of navigating through that journey using knowledge, virtue, courage and an adventurous spirit as the guiding lights. With this goal in mind, the Institution uses all means at its disposal to encourage the growth of personality and character. It provides educational opportunities without favour or discrimination. It empowers students to successfully face the challenges of life through quality education. To translate the goals into reality, the Cells, Clubs and Associations have launched several outreach initiatives in order to build a spirit of empathy and social concern. All-out efforts are made to equip students with the necessary soft skills that enhance their overall development and personality. The College has a thriving and lively campus ambience which emanate, inter alia, from the extra and cocurricular initiatives. Long before ‘value education’ became buzzwords in the domain of higher education, St. Xavier’s College has been conducting its regular and well-planned Value Education sessions based on age-appropriate and socially-relevant topics. In recent times, this endeavour has been supplemented by a robust mentor-mentee programme.