Post-FDP Follow-up Workshop on 5th December 2023

Govt. & Uni Notices Notification

Post-FDP Follow-up Workshop on 5th December 2023

Success stories from the faculty participants who attended the following Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs):

1) New Faculty Orientation and Mentoring Programme

2) Experiential Learning, Creative Thinking & Hands-on Pedagogy

3) Team-Based Learning: An Evidence-based Active Learning Strategy

The valuable insights and innovative teaching practices shared by our faculty members have been inspiring and impactful. In light of this, a Post FDP follow-up workshop is organized on 5th December 2023, from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm at the Multi-purpose Hall, Directorate of Art and Culture, Patto Panaji Goa.

One of the primary goals of this workshop is to prepare a concrete plan and strategies for the implementation of the best practices/effective teaching pedagogies, and to implement a framework to monitor and evaluate the enhancement of academic standards of learners.

Therefore, it is essential for all participants of the aforementioned 3 FDPs to attend this one-day workshop. Each faculty member is requested to prepare a 10-12 minutes presentation based on the submitted activity reports. However, given limited time only a few participants will be selected for the presentation. The list of selected presentations will be announced on the day of the workshop.