ACM Goa Invitation to an in-person networking event – 29 Sept

Govt. & Uni Notices Notification

ACM Goa Invitation to an in-person networking event - 29 Sept

ACM Goa Professional Chapter is happy to invite you all to an In-person Networking Event on Fri 29th September.

This event is meant for faculty members, researchers and working professionals from across Goa working in computing and technology-related fields for networking and fostering collaboration. Please share this invite with people who may be interested in attending.

Some of the intended outcomes for this event are finding research collaborators, mentors and resource persons towards research, planning educational and student-related activities across different institutes, Industry-academia joint work and consultancy, Internships etc. The event is being jointly organized by the ACM Goa Professional Chapter and PCCE, Verna ACM student chapter.

Date: Friday 29th September 2023
Venue: (In-person) PCCE college, Verna (

Tentative Agenda:
2:15 pm – 2:30 pm Welcome Note
2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Invited research talk by Prof Rajesh Sundaresan (IISc Bangalore) (the speaker bio and talk abstract are appended)
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Tea and structured networking (A 5-6 mins overview by a few of the attendees representing each institute on people and the areas of interest/expertise in their institute, specific types of collaboration they seek, teaching/research/event related info they would like to share etc)
4:30 pm – 5:00 pm Unstructured (one-to-one) networking and discussions
Goa has a large number of academic institutes as well as industries with people working in various areas of computing and technology. Despite being a small state, there is still a lot of scope for collaboration and synergy across the different institutes and industries. We hope that this event will open up new possibilities via interesting collaborations and cooperation.

If you plan on attending this event, kindly fill up this short registration form:
There is a nominal registration fee of INR 100, which can be paid via bank transfer at the time of registration.

The fee is intended to cover the cost of refreshments and logistics + Gst.

Bank Transfer Details for payment of registration fee:
Amount: INR 100
Padre Conceicao College of Engineering
Bank : Punjab National Bank
Account no. 2531000101066694
Branch: Margao Goa
IFSC Code: PUNB0107810

Invited Talk by Prof Rajesh Sundaresan, IISc Bangalore
Title: Problems from Data Analyses on the Ground

Abstract: Over the past few years, our group has been working on a variety of operations research and data analysis problems related to water distribution, disaggregation of energy consumption, feedback intervention to shape energy consumption behaviour, IoT network design, computational epidemiology, etc. In this overview talk we will highlight some interesting problem abstractions and the role of computing in arriving at some solutions.

Biography: Rajesh Sundaresan is a professor of Electrical Communication Engineering, an associate faculty of the Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber Physical Systems, and the current Dean of the Division of EECS at the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. His research interests include communication, computation, and control over networks, cyber-social systems, and data-driven decision frameworks for public health responses.